Using To Whom It May Concern is basically admitting that you have no idea who this letter will concern and thats concerning for the recipient. Basically it means that you are addressing whoever is responsible for what your letter is about. To Whom It May Concern By Brian Solis Visualize Quotes Quotes I Miss You To Whom It May Concern is a common salutation for letters and emails that are more formal in nature. . To the appropriate recipient for this message as in I didnt know who was responsible for these complaints so I just addressed it to whom it may concern. It is useful to write letters when you dont have time or couldnt find the name of the person. We utter them and we use them in our text messages. This phrase is typically used in business correspondence rather than for personal correspondence. It was only released on tape but released on CD in 1999. In some correspondence To Whom It May Concern might even imply a d...